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FEIT IT ServicesFacilitiesSoftware Development ▶ PostgreSQL

The UTS:FEIT student postgreSQL database server is provided for UTS:IT subjects that require a postgreSQL server.

If you are doing a postgreSQL subject, your subject coordinator or lecturer will request that an account is created on your behalf. Account details are sent out via email to students to their @uts.edu.au email address.

How to connect

Database details including hostname, port, your username, your password and your database name are emailed to you when your account is created.

From outside the Faculty, you can use the postgreSQL client on the student Unix server, details see https://my.feit.uts.edu.au/pages/it_services/facilities/linux_servers

From a UTS:FEIT Unix server or Linux lab workstation, you should be able to connect with the following command (highlighted in bold):

rerun$ psql -h pgsqllab -U username databasename

And enter the password when prompted for it. By default, it will use the username you are currently logged in with. To connect to a specific database, you can also use the longer form of the command:

rerun$ psql -h pgsqllab -U username databasename

Changing your password

Login to PostgreSQL with your current details and use the command:

ALTER USER username WITH PASSWORD 'thenewpassword';

Don't forget the single quotes and the semi-colon!

Accessing PostgreSQL server outside UTS using SSH tunnel

In Linux/Mac OS, use the following SSH tunnel command: (assuming you do not running your own PostgreSQL, you should replace username with your B10 IT login name):

username@localhost:~$ ssh -C -L 5432:pgsqllab.it.uts.edu.au:5432 username@rerun.it.uts.edu.au

Then you can access PostgreSQL server as if it's running locally:

username@localhost:~$ psql -h localhost -U dbusername dbname
Password for user dbusername: 
psql (8.4.7, server 8.1.22)
WARNING: psql version 8.4, server version 8.1.
        Some psql features might not work.
Type "help" for help.

Getting help

For questions about anything in your subject notes, see your lab tutor.

If your password doesn't work, please submit a help request at http://serviceconnect.uts.edu.au. Queries about how to access the database should be directed to your tutor.

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